Think like a warrior, Play like an Animal!

Explore the Art of Capoeira with Alé
Alaa Elhadba  | Capoeira & Movement - Berlin
Capoeira  | Capoeira & Movement - Berlin
I am capoeira disciple who dedicated years to learning Capoeira Angola movement and musicality with Mestre Cabello in Bahia, Brazil. 

For the 5 last years, I have lived along side my master in Serra Grande, Bahia to learn the foundation of the practice and connect with its roots.

Beside devotion for the practice of Capoeira, I am a dedicated practitioner of body movement, yoga, martial arts, and dance.
Traning Method  | Capoeira & Movement - Berlin

Training Method

My approach incorporates movement, strength, flexibility, dance, acrobatics, kicks, and strikes into a playful yet challenging training regimen. Each student is treated individually, with adjustments made based on their unique needs, skills, and backgrounds, ensuring everyone reaches their fullest potential.
Time | Capoeira & Movement - Berlin


Tuesday & Thursday at 7 AM (Early birds)
Wednesday 7 PM
near Südstern, Kreuzberg
10961 Berlin
(Get in touch for details)
Let’s Play